Albania – BSPSH “Stop Gender Based Violence in the world of work. Support an ILO Convention!

On 25 November 2017 in Durres around 150 members of BSPSH supported the Campaign of ITUC “Stop Gender Based Violence at Work – Support an ILO Convention. This activity was financially supported form ITUC – PERC, Union to Union, CLRSD and Olof Palme Center.
The Assembly of BSPSH, which is the highest decision body, voted unanimously to take concrete actions in eliminating gender based violence through the collective agreements. They signed the letter to ITUC to inform and to take all the measures with the Ministry of Economy and Finances.
Mrs. Arjola Alika, member of PERC Women Committee, emphasised the importance of this Campaign and ILO Convention as in as in Albania the figures of the violence against women and men are very high, especially domestic violence which is linked with the violence at the workplace – “even though we have a very good legislation, but we have weak implementation”.
President of BSPSH Mr. Gezim Kalaja assured all the stakeholders, that took part in this activity, that there is a need to work all together to eliminate the gender based violence at work. The activity was attended by National Coordinator of ILO in Albania Mrs. Zhuljeta Harasani; representative of Biznes Albania Mr. Koli Sinjari; representative of HAK-IS Mrs. Merita Yildiz; representative of CLRSD Mr. Arian Hoxha; represenative of Labour Inspectorate Mrs. Entela Hysenllari; represenative of OLOF Palme Center Mrs. Plejada Gugashi and the represenative of the Ministry Mrs. Vjollca Frasheri.
Mrs. Zhuljeta Harasani forwarded the message from Mr. Guy Ryder – General Director of ILO, of how important is this Campaign and also it will be the main topic of International Labour Conference in 2018 in Geneva. Mrs. Merita Yildiz form HAK-IS Turkey and a member of PERC Women Committee said that in HAK-IS there is a “ZERO Tollerance to the Violence” strategy.
Also the represenatives of BIZNES Albania mr. Koli Sinjari mentioned the initiative for joint seminars to fight violence at the workplace. Mrs. Plejada Gugashi form OLOF Palme mentioned the role and the importance of NGOs, that how is it important to work together in identifying the cases of violence at workplace and how we can work together in other sectors and regions in Albania. Mrs Entela Hysenllari from Labour Inspectoriate in her speech mentioned some statistics about the violence at the workplace. Mrs. Vjollca Cane spoke about the role of trade unions and collective agreements, providing some articles against violence. Mrs. Arian Hoxha Director of CLRSD – Center for Labour Relations and Social Dialogue mentioned the importance of the social dialogue .
At the end Mr. Gezim Kalaja and Mr. Arian Hoxha signed a agreement for the future collaboration between BSPSH and CLRSD.