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No payments from ARMO, CLRSD wins trial for proctecting bitumen workers of Perrenjas

No payments from ARMO, CLRSD wins trial for proctecting bitumen workers of Perrenjas

The Center for Labor Relations and Social Dialogue (CLRSD) in cooperation with “Free Legal Consultancy” has just successfully completed the judicial representation of some employees of the Bitum unit, Prrenjas, part of ARMO sh.a. to legally force the latter to pay the unpaid monthly salaries for employees of this department.
From July 15, 2015 until today, although they continue to work normally, they have not received monthly salaries from the employer, saying that this issue will be resolved very soon and that it is a temporary issue with all company employees.
Furthermore, both the collective agreement signed between the union and the employer as well as the law no.7961, date 12 / 07/1995 “Labor Code of the Republic of Albania”, amended, defines the obligation of each employer to pay every employee monthly salary as an essential human and contractual right for every employee.

For more than two years, despite working every day, employees did not receive their monthly salaries according to the law and the collective labor contract.
Given the above, we initially tried to clarify this issue using social dialogue with the employer, but that proved to be a futile attempt. Then we tried to resolve this situation, at least concerning the overdue salaries, through state channels, to no avail, despite their understanding regarding our legitimate rights.
Seeing that this issue could not be resolved through pre-trial channels, we were forced to turn to the court to resolve this problem in accordance with the legal and contractual rights in the Republic of Albania, where the judicial process at the Court of Tirana Judicial Council has just been successfully completed and every employee who agreed to be represented by us received
We take this chance to appeal to all employees, trade unions and all stake holders acting for the protection of workers’ rights, who claim that their rights in the workplace are being violated or that they were let go unjustly; for both collective and individual cases , to contact us at any time for free counseling and legal assistance at any time and in any case.

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