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The Independent Trade Union of Albanian Miners (SPMSH) holds its 7th Congress in Elbasan. CLRSD: Joint action towards the achievement of the Status for Mine Workers in Albania

The Independent Trade Union of Albanian Miners (SPMSH) holds its 7th Congress in Elbasan. CLRSD: Joint action towards the achievement of the Status for Mine Workers in Albania

The BSPSH (Union of Independent Trade Unions of Albania) and the Independent Trade Union of Albanian Miners (SPMSH) held its 7th Congress in Elbasan, Albania from 9 to 10 September 2017. In his speech, the president of the BSPSH Mr. Gëzim Kalaja highlighted the actions and contribution of the Miners in Albania during 1990-1991 period which resulted in the fall of communism and the then totalitarian regime. It was this Union that led and taught the Albanian workers on protests, solidarity and strikes. Amongst other achievements since that period the BSPSH has also contributed to the reduction of the retirement for the miners from 65 to 55 years of age based on the latest Government Decree in 2015. Amongst numerous trade unions from around the world and the region, the CLRSD was also privileged to have been invited to attend the Congress. The Center for Labor Relations and Social Dialogue, CLRSD.
CLRSD, since its establishment has established cooperation and coordination with both Confederations in Albania BSPSH and Confederations of Trade Unions of Albania KSSH. The joint efforts and humble support of the CLRSD to both those organisations would help to further strengthen the union movement and labour rights are fully implemented to the benefit of the workers.
Furthermore, the Center for Labor Relations and Social Dialogue, CLRSD, is supporting all efforts of both confederations such as facilitating the ongoing discussions between the unions, confederations and central government institutions. These processes should lead to the final approva of the Status for Miners by the Government and the parliament.
CLRSD committed that will place all its efforts within our power to support the clearly articulated demand by SPMSH and BSPSH President Mr. Gëzim Kalaja, that the retirement monthly payment for the should equal the payment earned by the retired air and sea services personnel. We also support the trade unions demand that the minimum wage for heavy industry and mining should increase to 30 thousand ALL.
the CLRSD is also completing a study on the minimum wage in the extractives industry taking into consideration competitiveness, efficiency, productivity and grey economy. The CLRSD will continue to support the trade unions in the enfrocement of the decent work agenda and effective implementation of the health and safety rules and standards. We wish success to the Congress and its continuous contribution to the labour movement in Albania, protecting workers’ rights and improving social dialogue.

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